2. AXI4 Cross-bar Interconnect

The AXI4 Cross-bar interconnect is used to connect one or more AXI4 compliant master devices to one or more AXI4 compliant slave devices. It includes the following features:

  • ID width can range upto 32-bits
  • The address widths can go upto 64-bits.
  • The data widths supported are: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024.
  • Provides a configurable size of user-space on each channel.
  • Supports aligned and unaligned transfers.
  • Supports read-only and write-only master-slave combinations resulting in reduced overheads.
  • Supports static and round robin priority arbitration amongst masters
AXI4 Interconnect Limitations
  • AXI4 Quality of Service (QoS) signals do not influence arbitration priority within the crossbar and the signals are simply propagated without any manipulation from master to slaves.
  • The cross bar will not time-out if any destination of the cross-bar stalls indefinitely.
  • Low power interface features are not currently supported.
  • ID based re-ordering is not supported.
  • Data interleaving is not supported in this version of the implementation

Henceforth, M represents the number of master-devices and S would represent the number of slave-devices connected to the cross-bar.

2.1. Parameters

Each instance of the cross-bar consists of vectored AXI4 slave signals which should be connected to either master-transactors or directly to a master interface and vectored AXI4 master signals which should be connected to either slave-transactors or directly to a slave interface.

The cross-bar interfaces are parameterized with the following parameters:

Table 2.1 AXI4 Cross-bar Interface Parameters
Parameter Name Description
wd_id size of the id fields in all the channels.
wd_addr size of the address fields in the read-address and write-address channels
wd_data size of the data fields in the read-response and write-data channels
wd_user size of the user fields in all the channels.
tn_num_masters indicates the number of masters that will be connected to this fabric.
tn_num_slaves indicates the number of slaves that will be connected to this fabric.

While the above parameters control the interface signals of the cross-bar, the following arguments need to be provided to the module instance to control the arbitration and connection:

Table 2.2 AXI4 Cross-bar Module Arguments
Parameter Name Description
fn_rd_memory_map A function that provides a memory map of the address-space for the read channel. It takes an address as an argument and returns a slave-number.
fn_wr_memory_map A function that provides a memory map of the address-space for the write. channel. It takes an address as an argument and returns a slave-number.
read_slave A mask vector of size S that indicates if a particular slave has read support or not.
write_slave A mask vector of size S that indicates if a particular slave has write support or not.
fixed_priority_rd A vector of size M that indicates if the respective master has fixed priority or participates in round-robin arbitration on the read channel. Setting a bit to 1 indicates that the master has fixed priority, while setting it to 0 implies that it participates in round-robin arbitration with other masters who have their bits set to 0.
fixed_priority_wr A vector of size``M`` that indicates if the respective master has fixed priority or participates in round-robin arbitration on the write channel. Setting a bit to 1 indicates that the master has fixed priority, while setting it to 0 implies that it participates in round-robin arbitration with other masters who have their bits set to 0.


By using the above two functions, one can generate an area optimized cross-bar for a given SoC which may contain read-only and write-only slaves.


It is recommended to keep the masters participating in round-robin to be contiguous (either at the LSBs or the MSBs) for consistent fairness. More details on arbitration policy are available in Arbitration Policy

2.2. Theory of Operation

Following is the convention/glossary of terms that are used in the following sections:

  • AR Channel: refers to the read address channel of the AXI4 protocol
  • AW Channel: refers to the write address channel of the AXI4 protocol
  • W Channel: refers to the write data channel of the AXI4 protocol
  • R Channel: refers to the read data channel of the AXI4 protocol
  • B Channel: refers to the write response channel of the AXI4 protocol

2.2.1. Master/Slave IDs

As per the AXI4 standard, it is recommended that when a master is connected to an interconnect, the interconnect appends additional bits to the ARID, AWID and WID fields that are unique to that master device, as this simplifies routing of slave responses.

However, in this implementation we do not append any such bits to the ID fields as will be clear from Section 2.2.3. The implementation does assign unique ids to each master and slave device based on the port to which the master/slave device is connected to, which are used for routing purposes.

2.2.2. Transactors


Fig. 2.1 Master and Slave Transactors used within the AXI4 Crossbar

The cross-bar internally instantiates M slave transactors and S master transactors. These transactors provide an AXI4 interface on one side (driving the external signals of the cross-bar) and a FIFO like interface on the other side. The M slave transactors provide an AXI4 slave interface externally which are to be connected to M master devices like DMA masters, cache masters, etc. The S master transactors provide an AXI4 master interface externally, which are to be connected to slave devices like, UART, SPI, Memory controllers, etc.

Each of these transactors internally include a two entry FIFO on each of the five AXI4 channels. For the slave transactors, the FIFOs on the AW, W and AR channels are enqueued when the corresponding master devices drive valid transactions on these channels. We will refer to these set of FIFOs as axi-side FIFOs. The FIFOs on the R and B channels are enqued by logic within the interconnect and will be refered to as xbar-side FIFOs. The axi-side and xbar-side fifos for a master transactor are interchanged as compared to the slave transactor. Fig. 2.1 shows the interface signals and the placement of these FIFOs for the master and slave trasactors.

When a master device initiates a new trasaction on the AR, AW or W channels the corresponding axi-side FIFOs hold a valid entry for routing within the crossbar interconnect in the immediate cycle. Similarly, when the crossbar routes an R or B packet to the corresponding xbar-side FIFOs of the transactor, the master device will see these transactions in the immediate cycle. Fig. 2.2 shows the behavior in case of the AR channel being driven by a master device, and the corresponding axi-side FIFO in the connected slave transactor.


Fig. 2.2 Bevahvior of FIFO on the read-address channel of the slave transactor

Rest of the FIFOs in the slave transactor work analogously to the above behavior. The next section will discuss how transactions received on the axi-side FIFOs are routed to their destination through the crossbar.

2.2.3. Transaction Routing


Fig. 2.3 Crossbar interconnect with transactors and master/slave devices

Once the transactions from the master/slave devices are latched into the corresponding axi-side FIFOs, they need to be routed through the crossbar to their target nodes. It should be noted here that the routing logic for the read bus (comprising of the AR and R channels/packets) is separate from the routing logic for the write bus (comprising of the AW, W and B channels/packets) to leverage maximum performance. The next paragraphs will discuss the routing for read and write transactions

Read Transactions:

Once the arfifo in the slave transactors have a valid entry, the target master transactor to which this transaction needs to be routed is deduced using the fn_rd_memory_map function provided to the design at compile time. However, the salve transactor can only carry out the transfer to the master transactor, if the arfifo in the master transactor has atleast one empty slot.

It is possible that the slave device connected to the master transactor is busy has not been able to service the pending request(s) that are present in arfifo thereby causing it to become full in due course of time. In such a scenario, a new request from a slave transactor can no longer be enqued and thus creates a stall. The slave transactor continues the attempt to make the transfer again in the sub-sequent cycles until success.


Transactions sitting in any of the fifos in the transactors, like the case above, can be defined as in-flight transactions, which have been received by the master/slave device but have not yet reached the target slave/master device.

To keep track of the pending transactions generated by a slave transactor and where the response of master transactor should be routed to, the crossbar maintains a series of route-info FIFOs in the slave and master transactors. For the read transactions, each slave and master transactor include an 8-entry route-info FIFO to store the master and slave ids participating in a transaction. In a slave transactor, this FIFO indicates which slave-device’s (master transactor) response is expected to be routed to the connected master-device. Similarly, the route-info FIFO in a master transactor indicates the ID of the master-device (slave transactor) to whom the response is to be routed to.


This implementation has a limitation of not supporting interleaving and data reordering, and thus slave-devices connected to this crossbar cannot have a re-ordering depth of more than 1. i.e. all responses from the particular slave device have to be in the same order of the requests presented at its port.

These route-info FIFOs are enqueued with the master/slave IDs when a valid transfer between a slave transactor ar-fifo and master transactor ar-fifo occurs.

Once the master transactor sends an RLAST signal on the R packet, the corresponding route-info FIFOs are popped (dequeued) allowing the slave/master to serve the next pending transaction in order.

Fig. 2.4 shows the above behavior of the read transaction routing happening between a master device with ID M1 and a slave device with ID S1.


Fig. 2.4 Read transaction routing through the crossbar.

Write Transactions:

The working of the write transactions is very similar to that of the read transactions, except for the change that an extra set of route-info FIFOs are maintained on each master and slave transactor for the W channel as well. Thus each transactor maintains a route-info FIFO for the AW channel and another route-info for the W channel.

Therefore, when a valid transfer occurs between the aw-fifo of the slave transactor and the aw-fifo of the master transactor, the AW and W channel route-info FIFOs of both the transactors are updated. Ths W channel route-info FIFOs, ensure that the sub-sequent beats of the transaction from the slave transactor are routed to the correct master transactor.

The route-info FIFOs are popped/dequeued when the write response of the B channel is received. Fig. 2.5 shows the behavior of the write transactions through the crossbar.


Fig. 2.5 Write transaction routing through the crossbar.

2.2.4. Arbitration Policy

When multiple slave transactors select the same master-transactor to perform a similar type of (read/write) transaction, arbitration is required to choose which slave transactor will succeed. The implementation supports two types of arbitration policy: fixed and round-robin. At design time, the user needs to define which slave-transactors will participate in fixed arbitration and which will participate in round-robin arbitration using the fixed_priority_* parameters defined in Table 2.2.


Since the read and write channels operate independently, it is possible to have the read port of a master-device to have a fixed priority while the write port can participate in round-robin arbitration or vice-versa.

Fixed Priority Arbitration:
By default, the arbitration is granted based on the relative priority of the associated IDs of the slave transactors (refer to Section 2.2.1 for more details on how IDs are assigned). A slave transactor with a lower ID has higher priority over a slave transactor with a higher ID.
Round-Robin Arbitration:

For round robin arbitration, the design maintains separate select registers for read and write port arbitration, whose reset value is 0. The select register indicates the threshold ID value. When a contention occurs, the participating slave transactor whose ID is immediately above the select register wins the arbitration. Once a slave transactor is chosen, the select register is updated by a value one greater than the ID of the winning transactor. In case the winning ID is the highest then the value assigned it 0.

It is possible, that any point there is a contention amongst slave transactors with fixed arbitration and slave transactors configured for round-robin arbitration. In such a case, the slave transactor with fixed arbitration having an ID lower than the ID of the slave transactor winning the round-robin arbitration is given access to the master transactor. If all the slave transactors with fixed arbitration have an ID higer than the slave transactor winning the round-robin arbitration, then the latter is given access to the master transactor.

Fig. 2.6 Shows how round robin arbitration would work for a crossbar consisting of 2 slave transactors with a select threshold of 1.


Fig. 2.6 Round Robin arbitration amongst 2 masters

2.2.5. Address Decode

The cross-bar module requires two functions (fn_rd_memory_map and fn_wr_memory_map) to be provided at design time which are used by the read and write channels to identify a target slave-device. The functions should take as input an address of the same width : wd_addr and return a slave-device id number which indicates which one of the vectored slave interfaces have been selected for this transaction by the master device.

Disjoint address spaces selecting the same slave are also allowed. The distinction between these address spaces is the responsibility of the slave-device.


If a device is read-only or write-only then its memory map allocation can be skipped from the fn_rd_memory_map or fn_wr_memory_map functions respectively to remove the corresponding channel connections.

2.2.6. Error signaling

The cross-bar does not internally generate the DECERR, but expects that one of the S slaves is an Error Slave which is selected for all holes within the address maps (applies to both read and write channels) and responds with a DECERR.


When defining the fn_wr_memory_map and fn_rd_memory_map functions, its recommended to assign the error slave ID under last else condition of an if-else construct or under the default condition of a case statement.

2.2.7. Instance Mapping in Verilog

The following provides a mapping between the data structures/elements mentioned above to instances/signals available in the generated Verilog.


The following mapping assumes the instance name of the crossbar to be fabric.

Route-Info FIFOs:

The route-info FIFO instances in the slave transactors are named:

  • fabric_f_s_rd_route_info_<num>
  • fabric_f_s_wd_route_info_<num>
  • fabric_f_s_wr_route_info_<num>

The route-info FIFO instances in the master transactors are named:

  • fabric_f_m_rd_route_info_<num>
  • fabric_f_m_wd_route_info_<num>
  • fabric_f_m_wr_route_info_<num>

<num> in the above strings should be replaced by the ID of the slave/master transactor assigned at design time.

Channel FIFOs:

The various xbar-side and axi-side FIFOs within the slave transactors are named:

  • fabric_xactors_from_masters_<num>_f_arfifo
  • fabric_xactors_from_masters_<num>_f_awfifo
  • fabric_xactors_from_masters_<num>_f_wfifo
  • fabric_xactors_from_masters_<num>_f_rfifo
  • fabric_xactors_from_masters_<num>_f_bfifo

The various xbar-side and axi-side FIFOs within the master transactors are named:

  • fabric_xactors_to_slaves_<num>_f_arfifo
  • fabric_xactors_to_slaves_<num>_f_awfifo
  • fabric_xactors_to_slaves_<num>_f_wfifo
  • fabric_xactors_to_slaves_<num>_f_rfifo
  • fabric_xactors_to_slaves_<num>_f_bfifo

<num> in the above strings should be replaced by the ID of the slave/master transactor assigned at design time.

2.3. Using the Cross-bar IP

The IP is designed in BSV and available at: https://gitlab.com/incoresemi/blocks/fabrics . The following steps demonstrate on how to configure and generate verilog RTL of the cross-bar IP.


The user is expected to have the downloaded and installed open-source bluespec compiler available at: https://github.com/BSVLang/Main

2.3.1. Configuration and Generation

  1. Setup:

    The IP uses the python based cogapp tool to generate bsv files with cofigured instances. Steps to install the required tools to generate the configured IP in verilog RTL can be found in Appendix. If you are using a python virtual environment make sure its activated before proceeding to the following steps.

  2. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://gitlab.com/incoresemi/blocks/fabrics.git
    ./manager.sh update_deps
    cd axi4/test
  3. Configure Design:

    The yaml file: axi4_crossbar_config.yaml is used for configuring the crossbar. Please refer to Table 2.1 for information on the parameters used in the yaml file.

    Address map should also be specified in this file using the slot-number as the key of the dictionary. Following rules apply to the memory map:

    1. Slot-numbering should be from 0 to tn_num_slaves - 1
    2. Each slave can have one of the following access policies: read-only, write-only, read-write and error. An error slave need not have the base and bound fields specified.
    3. Atleast one of the slaves should have access as error
    4. While providing the address based and bounds, remember the base is included and bound is not for the device under consideration
  4. Generate Verilog: Use the following command with required settings to generate verilog for synthesis/simulation:

    make TOP_FILE=axi4_crossbar.bsv TOP_MODULE=mkaxi4_crossbar generate_instances

    The generated verilog file is available in: build/hw/verilog/mkaxi4_crossbar.v

  5. Interface signals: In the generated verilog, the vectored slave interface signals (to which masters will be connected to) are prefixed with frm_master_<num>. The vectored master interface signals (to which slaves will be connected to) are prefixed with to_slaves_<num>. Since the IP is a synchronous IP, the same clock and reset (active-low) signals (ACLK and ARESETN) are used by all channles across all devices.

  6. Simulation: The top module for simulation is mkaxi4_crossbar. Please follow the steps mentioned in Section 8.2 when compiling the top-module for simulation

2.3.2. Verilog Signals

Table 2.3 describes the signals in the generated verilog for the following configuration

wd_id: 4
wd_addr: 32
wd_data: 64
wd_user: 0
tn_num_masters: 1
tn_num_slaves:  1
fixed_priority_rd: 0b1
fixed_priority_wr: 0b1
    access: error
Table 2.3 AXI4 cross-bar interface signals in from verilog
Signal Names Direction Size(Bits) Description
ACLK Input 1 clock for all channels
ARESETN Input 1 an active low reset
frm_master_0_AWREADY Output 1 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_WREADY Output 1 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_BVALID Output 1 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_BID Output 4 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_BRESP Output 2 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_ARREADY Output 1 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_RVALID Output 1 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_RID Output 4 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_RDATA Output 64 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_RRESP Output 2 signal sent to master-device
frm_master_0_RLAST Output 1 signal sent to master-device
to_slave_0_AWVALID Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWID Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWADDR Output 32 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWLEN Output 8 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWSIZE Output 3 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWBURST Output 2 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWLOCK Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWCACHE Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWPROT Output 3 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWQOS Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_AWREGION Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_WVALID Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_WDATA Output 64 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_WSTRB Output 8 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_WLAST Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_BREADY Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARVALID Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARID Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARADDR Output 32 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARLEN Output 8 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARSIZE Output 3 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARBURST Output 2 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARLOCK Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARCACHE Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARPROT Output 3 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARQOS Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_ARREGION Output 4 signal sent to slave-device
to_slave_0_RREADY Output 1 signal sent to slave-device
frm_master_0_AWVALID Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWID Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWADDR Input 32 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWLEN Input 8 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWSIZE Input 3 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWBURST Input 2 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWLOCK Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWCACHE Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWPROT Input 3 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWQOS Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_AWREGION Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_WVALID Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_WDATA Input 64 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_WSTRB Input 8 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_WLAST Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_BREADY Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARVALID Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARID Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARADDR Input 32 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARLEN Input 8 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARSIZE Input 3 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARBURST Input 2 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARLOCK Input 1 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARCACHE Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARPROT Input 3 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARQOS Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_ARREGION Input 4 signal driven by master-device
frm_master_0_RREADY Input 1 signal driven by master-device
to_slave_0_AWREADY Input 1 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_WREADY Input 1 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_BVALID Input 1 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_BID Input 4 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_BRESP Input 2 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_ARREADY Input 1 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_RVALID Input 1 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_RID Input 4 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_RDATA Input 64 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_RRESP Input 2 signal driven by slave-device
to_slave_0_RLAST Input 1 signal driven by slave-device