6. AXI4 to AXI4-Lite Bridge

An AXI4 master device can be configured to work on an AXI4-Lite cluster as a master using the Axi2Axil bridge. This module implements a bridge/adapter which can be used to convert AXI-4 transactions into AXI4-Lite transactions. This bridge acts as a slave on the AXI4 interface and as a master on an AXI4-Lite interface. Both the protocols are little endian. The bridge is parameterized to handle different address and data sizes of either side with the following contraints:

  1. The AXI4 address size must be greater than or equal to the AXI4-Lite address size.
  2. The AXI4 data size must be greater than of equal to the AXI4-Lite data size.
  3. The AXI4 data and AXI4-Lite data should both be byte-multiples

The bridge also supports spliting of read/write bursts from the AXI4 side to individual requests on the AXI4-Lite cluster.

A Connectable instance is also provided which can directly connect an AXI4 master interface to a AXI4-Lite-slave interface.

The verilog RTL will have a AXI4 slave interface which should be connected to a AXI4 master device and will have an AXI4-Lite master interface on the other side which should be connected to an AXI4-Lite slave cluster.

6.1. Parameters

The bridge interface has the following parameters:

Table 6.1 AXI4 to AXI4-Lite Bridge Interface Parameters
Parameter Name Description
axi_id size of the id fields on the AXI4 interface
axi_addr size of the address fields on the read and write channels of the AXI4 interface
axi_data size of the data fields on the read-response and write-data channels of the AXI4 interface
axil_addr size of the address field on the AXI4-Lite interface
axil_data size of the read and write data fields on the AXI4-Lite interface
user size of the user field on both the AXI and the AXI4-Lite sides.

6.2. Micro Architecture

The bridges convert single beat or multi-beat requests on the AXI4 channels to single-beat requests on the respective AXI4-Lite channels. Thus, per channel (read or write) there is only once outstanding transaction active at a time.

The transaction ID (awid or arid) received is stored in the conversion bridge, and retrieved during response transfers as BID or RID.

6.2.1. Differing Address sizes

When the AXI4 and AXI4-Lite address sizes are different, then the lower bits of the AXI4 addresses are used on the AXI4-Lite side.

6.2.2. Differing Data sizes

When the AXI4 and AXI4-Lite data sizes are different, each single beat of the AXI4 request (read or write) is split into multiple smaller child bursts (sent as individual AXI4-Lite requests) which matches AXI4-Lite data size. A beat is complete only when its corresponding child-bursts are over. The next single-beat address is generated based on the burst-mode request and the burst size. Thus, the bridge can support all AXI4 burst-modes: incr, fixed and wrap.

Also when the source (AXI4 side) data size is larger then the target (AXI4-Lite side), the data bytes and the write strobes are aligned based on the address to reflect correctly on the target side.

When instantiated with same data-sizes, the child-burst logic is ommitted.

6.2.3. Error mapping

When the data-sizes are the same the AXI4-Lite errors simple propagated to the AXI4 side without any changes. However, when the data sizes differ, a single beat from the AXI4 can cause multiple SLVERR and DECERR on the AXI4-Lite side, in which case the AXI4 is responded with SLVERR i.e. SLVERR is a sticky error.

6.3. Using the AXI4 to AXI4-Lite Bridge

The IP is designed in BSV and available at: https://gitlab.com/incoresemi/blocks/fabrics The following steps demonstrate on how to configure and generate verilog RTL of the cross-bar IP.


The user is expected to have the downloaded and installed open-source bluespec compiler available at: https://github.com/BSVLang/Main

6.3.1. Configuration and Generation

  1. Setup:

    The IP uses the python based cogapp tool to generate bsv files with cofigured instances. Steps to install the required tools to generate the configured IP in verilog RTL can be found in Appendix. Python virtual environment needs to be activated before proceeding to the following steps.

  2. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://gitlab.com/incoresemi/blocks/fabrics.git
    ./manager.sh update_deps
    cd bridges/test
  3. Configure Design:

    The yaml file: axi2axil_bridge_config.yaml is used for configuring the crossbar. Please refer to Table 6.1 for information on the parameters used in the yaml file.

  4. Generate Verilog: use the following command with required settings to generate verilog for synthesis/simulation:

    make TOP_FILE=axi2axil_bridge.bsv TOP_MODULE=mkaxi2axil_bridge generate_instances

    The generated verilog file is available in: build/hw/verilog/mkaxi2axil_bridge.v

  5. Interface signals: in the generated verilog, all the AXI4 signals start with the prefix AXI4_ and the AXI4-Lite signals start with the prefix AXI4-Lite_. Since the IP is a synchronous IP, the same clock and reset (active-low) signals (CLK and RST_N) are used by all channles across all devices.

  6. Simulation: The top module for simulation is mkaxi2axil_bridge. Please follow the steps mentioned in Section 8.2 when compiling the top-module for simulation

6.3.2. Verilog Signals

Table 6.2 describes the signals in the generated verilog for the following configuration

axi_id: 4
axi_addr:  32
axi_data:  32
axil_addr:  24
axil_data:  16
user    :  0
Table 6.2 AXI4 to AXI4-Lite bridge interface signals in from verilog
Signal Names Direction Size(Bits) Description
CLK Input 1 clock for all channels
RST_N Input 1 an active low reset
AXI4_AWREADY Output 1 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_WREADY Output 1 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_BVALID Output 1 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_BID Output 4 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_BRESP Output 2 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_ARREADY Output 1 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_RVALID Output 1 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_RID Output 4 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_RDATA Output 32 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_RRESP Output 2 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4_RLAST Output 1 signal sent to axi4 master
AXI4L_AWVALID Output 1 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_AWADDR Output 24 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_AWPROT Output 3 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_WVALID Output 1 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_WDATA Output 16 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_WSTRB Output 2 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_BREADY Output 1 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_ARVALID Output 1 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_ARADDR Output 24 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_ARPROT Output 3 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_RREADY Output 1 signal sent to axi4lite slaves
AXI4_AWVALID Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWID Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWADDR Input 32 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWLEN Input 8 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWSIZE Input 3 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWBURST Input 2 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWLOCK Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWCACHE Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWPROT Input 3 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWQOS Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_AWREGION Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_WVALID Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_WDATA Input 32 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_WSTRB Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_WLAST Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_BREADY Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARVALID Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARID Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARADDR Input 32 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARLEN Input 8 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARSIZE Input 3 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARBURST Input 2 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARLOCK Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARCACHE Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARPROT Input 3 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARQOS Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_ARREGION Input 4 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4_RREADY Input 1 signal driven by axi4 master
AXI4L_AWREADY Input 1 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_WREADY Input 1 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_BVALID Input 1 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_BRESP Input 2 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_ARREADY Input 1 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_RVALID Input 1 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_RRESP Input 2 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves
AXI4L_RDATA Input 16 signal driven by the axi4lite slaves